Prepare for Your Chattanooga Barn Wedding
Here at Howe Farms, we want to make sure that every couple who chooses our barn wedding venue near Chattanooga is able to enjoy their special day to the fullest. Often times, the planning that goes into making a wedding and reception happen can lead to quite a few headaches, some late nights, and last-minute panicking before the big day actually arrives. Unfortunately, all of this focus on the wedding itself can mean the happy couple might not take the time to make sure they are also prepared for their wedding day. In this blog, we will go over some tips to help ensure the bride and groom are feeling their best on their special day.
After putting all your time and energy into making sure every detail is perfect and everyone involved is happy, it’s important to make sure you’re feeling your best for your big day! With the rush of decisions and coordination, self-care might have dropped down on your to-do list, so let this be the reminder you need to put it back on top. With a little bit of planning, you can make sure you are in the best condition possible ahead of your wedding day. Below, we’ve listed out some of our favorite tips to help you accomplish this goal:
Try on your ensemble before the day of your wedding.
The morning of your wedding is not the time that you want to discover your wedding dress or suit is not going to cut it. For this reason, you should try on your full look — dress, hair, makeup, and accessories — well before the wedding day. Take it from couples who have been there, you’ll feel so much better knowing that all the accessories you bought coordinate perfectly, the hairstyle you saw on Pinterest really is that pretty in real life, your makeup flawlessly ties everything together, and your shoes are actually going to work with your outfit. If you’re getting portraits done, you have the perfect reason to try on your full ensemble (and the added bonus of seeing it on camera). If you are not having portraits taken before the wedding, we suggest that you both get together with some trusted friends, try on your outfits, and make sure everything is good to go!
Sleep well for the week leading up to your wedding.
Even though stress levels are probably going to be at their highest the week before your wedding, it is important that you and your significant other try to get in as much quality sleep as possible. Too often, we’ll see couples who have been burning the midnight oil trying to make sure every little detail is taken care of, only to be completely exhausted on their big day. Remember, you don’t have to do everything yourself! Enlist the help of friends and family, trust in your planning up to this point, and take some time to make sure your body has the energy it needs leading up to your special day. It may seem difficult to pull off but trust us, your body will thank you.
Stay hydrated.
It’s important to stay hydrated but it’s even more important to stay hydrated before your wedding. Doctors recommend a person drink at least half of their body weight in ounces a day to maintain proper hydration levels, so don’t let this suggestion fall by the wayside leading up to your wedding. The day of your wedding is going to be full of activity that you won’t want to take on slightly dehydrated. Also, it is important to remember to drink water during your wedding and reception as well. The hours will fly by and it’s all too easy to sip on champagne while forgetting to balance it out with a big glass of water.
Stick to your normal beauty routine.
While this tip is more for the bride, it can apply to the groom as well. The night before or the morning of your wedding is not the time to try out a new beauty routine, such as a face mask you saw on Instagram or a new shape for your eyebrows. If you want to experiment with new products, try them out at least two weeks before the wedding so you’ll have plenty of time to see how your skin reacts. Nothing is worse than trying out a new foundation or lotion only to discover that your skin is not a fan of the change in product. Men, we also suggest that you stick to your normal grooming routine before the big day.
Eat a big breakfast.
Going into your wedding hungry is something you need to avoid at all costs. Once the ceremony is underway, there is going to be a large period of time where food is just not something that is going to be on your mind. Even when the reception starts, you and your partner are going to be the center of attention, meaning that most of your guests are going to want to come up and congratulate you on your nuptials and give you some sage life advice. This can lead to a few hours during the reception where food is close by but you don’t have the opportunity to actually enjoy it. Making sure that you have a hearty breakfast, preferably one high in protein will ensure that your body has enough fuel to make it to the finish line.
Give up your phone
Even if the idea sends a shiver of panic down your spine, it’s important to leave the phone at home or with someone you trust on your wedding day. Phones serve as a huge distraction even on a normal day, so you want to make sure that yours isn’t going to take up your time during reception. Furthermore, not having your phone on you means that you won’t be tempted to check any emails that may come in during a time when you’re supposed to be enjoying yourself. If the thought of not having your phone for a day is too much to handle, set a rule that you will only check it once or twice during the evening.
Thank you for taking the time to read our tips on how to make sure that you are feeling your best on your wedding day. If you would like to learn more about our barn wedding venues near Chattanooga, please take a look at our main website.